FAQ :: Refund Policy
Can I ask to cancel my order if I change my mind?
If you pay only 5-10 minutes ago, then yes, you can send to us request for cancelation, BUT if you ordered any of our check services (such as the Carrier and SIMLock Check, Find my Mac CHECK, Sold By Check and others) then there is no Cancelation, because this is INSTANT services.
Can I request order cancellation if passed more than 24 hours?
No, because almost all orders are processed automatically, and can't be cancelled.
How long do refunds take?
Refund time depends on what method you pay. If you pay via Binance then the refund takes 5 minutes, if you pay via Crypto then the refund can take up to 24 hours. For Card payments we do not provide a refund, you will receive credits that you can use on our website.
How much will I receive if you cancel my order?
If you did not break our rules, then you will receive a FULL REFUND.

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