什么是 IMEI?
IMEI 使用所有支持 GSM 信号的手机品牌。 IMEI 用于在运营商网络中指示您的设备。如果您丢失了设备或有人偷了设备,您可以通过 imei 向警方和您的网络报告,以便他们将您的 imei 添加到黑名单库中。您也可以通过 IMEI 在我们的网站上苹果检查保修,或 iCloud 状态检查和 iphone imei 号码检查.
您可以在settings->general->about - Model number中找到型号。
如何确定 iPhone 是新的、翻新的、替换的还是个性化的
您可以解码设备型号前缀以找出您拥有的设备(对于某些 iPad 也可以),方法如下:
在 iPhone 上打开“设置"
M – 这是一种零售模式。
F - 此设备由 Apple 翻新。
N - 这是替换设备,表示原始设备已由 Apple 或 Apple 授权服务中心更换。
P - 这也是一种零售模式,但为客户定制,在手机上刻有字样。
我在哪里可以找到 IMEI 或序列号?
IMEI 或序列号总是写在电话盒上,或者您可以在设置->常规->关于。 更简单的查找 imei 的方法是拨号 * #06#.
You can find the model number in settings->general->about - Model number.
For example we have this Model number MGJV3LL/A, so you need to see the last character in our case it’s LL - this means that device was made for the United States.
Here is a list of most popular model codes:
A - Canada
AB - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt
B - UK and Ireland
BG - Bulgaria
BR - Brazil
BZ - Brazil
C - Canada
CH - China
CI - Paraguay
CM - Hungary, Croatia
CR - Croatia
CS - Slovakia, the Czech Republic
CN - Slovakia
CZ - Czech Republic
D, DM - Germany
DN - Austria, Germany, Netherlands
E - Mexico
EE - Estonia
EL - Estonia, Latvia
ER - Ireland
ET - Estonia
F - France
FB - France, Luxembourg
FD - Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
FS - Finland
GB - Greece
GH - Hungary
GP - Portugal
GR - Greece
HB - Israel
HC - Hungary, Bulgaria
IN - India
IP - Italy
J, JP - Japan
IP - Portugal, Italy
ID - Indonesia
K - Sweden
KH - South Korea, China
KN - Denmark and Norway
KS - Finland and Sweden
LA - Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico
LE - Argentina
LP - Poland
LT - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
LZ - Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay
MG - Hungary
MM - Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia
MY - Malaysia
ND - Netherlands
NF - Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal
PK - Poland, Finland
PL, PM - Poland
PO - Portugal
PP - Philippines
PY - Spain
QB - Russia
QN - Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway
QL - Spain, Italy, Portugal
RO - Romania
RP - Russia
RR - Russia, Moldova
RS, RU - Russia
RM - Russia, Kazakhstan
RK - Kazakhstan
SE - Serbia
SL - Slovakia
SO - South Africa
SU - Ukraine
T - Italy
TA - Taiwan
TH - Thailand
TU - Turkey
TY - Italy
VN - Vietnam
X - Australia, New Zealand
Y - Spain
ZA - Singapore
ZD - Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium, Monaco, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland
ZG - Denmark
ZO - United Kingdom
ZP - Hong Kong and Macau
ZQ - Jamaica