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Samsung FRP lock remove (WorldWide)
Dịch vụ:
Samsung FRP lock remove (WorldWide)
Kiểu máy được hỗ trợ:
Read service details
Cần thời gian:
1-24 hours
Thời gian trung bình:
40 phút
18.00* USD
For this service we accept ONLY this payments methods:
USDT, Credit Card, IU Balance, Binance Pay

* - Mức giá này áp dụng nếu bạn thanh toán qua IU Balance, Binance Pay hoặc USDT/USDC

Before making an order, please read these rules:
  • This service does not remove NCK, MCK, KNOX locks! This service will remove only FPR lock from your device!
  • This service:
    - NOT SUPPORT devices from China or Hong Kong (if you do not know from what country your device is come, then you can use this Samsung Country CHECK service).
    - NOT SUPPORT this models JDM A01 A11 A02 A21 A03 A14 A04 A05 F41 Old tablet AND NOT10 NOT10+, SM-A107F/DS, SM-A025M/DS, SM-A207M/DS, SM-A145M/DS AND ALL A145 SERIES, SM-A146M/DS, SM-A057M/DS, SM-A135M/DS, SM-A135F/DS.
    - NOT SUPPORT KNOX Locked devices (Locked, Active, Normal)!
    - NOT SUPPORT WI-FI DEVICES! Only device with IMEI is supported!
    - NOT SUPPORT Blacklisted devices!
  • A hard reset is required before submitting your order!
  • Activate the device with Wi-Fi immediately after unlocking.
  • All codes are 100% correct, coming directly from the Samsung database. Verification not accepted.
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